International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
American society that researches traumatic stress
Mental health charity with online information on PTSD.
Tel: 08457 660 163 (Information line, 9.15am-5.15pm, Mon-Fri)
The Magnificent Seven: PTSD
This site uses film clips to illustrate common symptoms of PTSD, including nightmares and amnesia
The Mental Health Foundation
Has a useful sheet about depression
Victim Support
National charity that helps support victims of crime.
Tel: 0845 303 0900 (Helpline. 9am-9pm, Mon-Fri. 9am-7pm, Sat & Sun)
NHS Choices
Information about PTSD: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Mental health resource for anyone who gets stressed or is worried about their thoughts and feelings.
Tel: 020 8974 6814 (Lines open 10am-3pm, Mon-Fri.